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Only that which is capable of destroying itself truly lives.

Author: Bruyére Jean de la
That I have fed the hungry, forgiven the offended, and begun to love my enemy, these are great virtues. But suppose I should find that the most miserable of all beggars and the dearest of all sufferers lies within me, and that it is I who am the much-needed alms of my own kindness, and that I am the enemy to be loved... What then?

Author: Carl Gustav Jung
The great decisions in human life are often made by instinct and other mysterious subconscious agencies, and are rarely the work of conscious will and common sense. The shoe that fits one person pushes the other; therefore, there is no universal guide to life. Each of us carries our own life - an outer solid skin - and an irrational form that cannot be shed.

Author: Carl Gustav Jung
Nothing has a stronger mental effect on a person's environment, especially on children, than the unlived life of their parents.

Author: Carl Gustav Jung
The unconscious is nature and nature never lies.

Author: Carl Gustav Jung

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A brunette meets a blonde and asks her. "If you're blonde, do you have the same top as the bottom?" "You mean like licked?"
Driving test The inspector asks the blonde: How would you describe the function of the engine? She: "Can I say it in my own words?" He: "Yes." She: "Brmm, Brrmmmmmm, Brrrrmmmmmmmmmmm."
Do you know what a brunette is among blondes? Translator
You know how you keep a blonde busy all day? .... You take her into a round room and tell her to find a spot in the corner and sit down.
Two old friends meet, one blonde and the other brunette. The brunette says: "So imagine, Simone, I found mascara in my 15-year-old daughter's purse and I didn't even know she was wearing mascara!" The blonde complains, "Imagine, Marie, I found a box of condoms in my 15-year-old daughter's handbag and I didn't even know she had a penis!"