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Quotes about parents and children

You are now in the Quotes about parents and children category. Currently here you will find 45 citations on the topic Quotes about parents and children, which we are still expanding for you.

There is nothing more charming than a mother with a child in her arms, and nothing more honourable than a mother in the company of her children.

Author: Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
A mother's love has only one boundary stone. That stone stands on her grave.

Author: Hoffbauer Klement
The family is the backbone of the state. People, preoccupied with family concerns, do not think about politics.

Author: Laub Gabriel
The child considers what he violently desires as something that belongs to him.

Author: Paul Jean
Nothing has a better effect on a child than praise.

Author: Sheridan Richard
Parents praise their children; by doing so they unconsciously praise themselves.

Author: Seneca Lucius Annaeus
The first law of nature is to love your parents.

Author: Plinius Secundus
The child deserves the utmost consideration.

Author: Iuvenalis Decimus Iunius
Being a mother means forgiving and sacrificing.

Author: Remarque Erich Maria
Some children behave as if they have no parents. That's because some parents act like they don't have children.

Author: Andrejev Leonid Nikolajevič