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Quotes about death

You are now in the Quotes about death category. Currently here you will find 32 citations on the topic Quotes about death, which we are still expanding for you.

It is beautiful and decent to die for one's country.

Author: Homér
Almost all people die from their drugs, not their diseases.

Author: Moliére
Death is just the beginning, but only of the second chapter.

Author: Shakespeare William
Pain is alive with the idea of pain. Mobilize the will, force yourself to suppress the idea, cast it away, stop complaining, and the pain will disappear.

Author: Aurelius Marcus Antonius
Dying bravely is better than saving your life.

Author: Tacitus Publius Cornelius
The whole of human life is nothing but a journey towards death.

Author: Seneca Lucius Annaeus
It's better to burn than to burn out.

Author: Cobain Kurt
Strast will come - either today or tomorrow.

Author: Aischylos
Bureaucracy is the death of all activity.

Author: Einstein Albert
If someone has real pain, without witnesses, he grieves and alone.

Author: Martialis Gaius Valerius