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Quotes about happiness and unhappiness

You are now in the Quotes about happiness and unhappiness category. Currently here you will find 54 citations on the topic Quotes about happiness and unhappiness, which we are still expanding for you.

In caring for the happiness of others, we find our own.

Author: Platón
Love only makes us happy instead of making our life joyful.

Author: Aischylos
We can help a man who has broken his leg in his misfortune by convincing him how easily he could have broken his neck.

Author: Kant Immanuel
Whenever misfortune befalls us, fortune leaves the door ajar for better times.

Author: Cervantes y Saavedra Miguel de
Everyone wants to be happy. Even one who ends up hanging himself.

Author: Pascal Blaise
Happiness is a mosaic made up of tiny little joys.

Author: Maurois André
The love of one unfortunate is infinitely greater than the love of all the lucky ones put together.

Author: Achard Marcel
Most people are as happy as they choose to be.

Author: Lincoln Abraham
Only simple things never fail. And happiness should start at the bottom.

Author: Remarque Erich Maria
I think civilization is no good if it is without culture. Man needs not only physical comfort but also mental comfort for happiness and contentment. Culture and civilization must go hand in hand.

Author: Werich Jan
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