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Quotes about friendship

You are now in the Quotes about friendship category. Currently here you will find 54 citations on the topic Quotes about friendship, which we are still expanding for you.

He is a fool to whom possessions, wealth, power and greatness are worth more than the treasure of a faithful friend.

Author: Euripidés
Don't walk in front of me, I might not follow you. Don't walk behind me, I may not be able to lead you. Walk beside me and be my friend.

Author: Camus Albert
Friendship lives on security, silence and gentleness, love on strength, pleasure and fear.

Author: Maurois André
Friend of all - friend of none.

Author: Aristoteles
Women have a special passion for mathematics: they divide their age by two, double the price of their clothes, triple the salary of their husbands and add five years to the age of their girlfriends.

Author: Achard Marcel
Your boyfriend has a boyfriend and your boyfriend's boyfriend has a boyfriend, so be careful.

Author: Talmud
Friendship is meant to be eternal, hatred transient.

Author: Livius Titus
Friendship is supposed to be immortal, enmity mortal.

Author: Livius Titus
Let us treat our friends as we wish them to treat us.

Author: Aristoteles
Reprimand your friend in private, praise him in public.

Author: Seneca Lucius Annaeus
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