A man is but a wandering robber and a vagabond when he has passed his thirtieth year and has not married.
Author: Grillparzer Franz
Quotes about old age and youth
You are now in the Quotes about old age and youth category. Currently here you will find 17 citations on the topic Quotes about old age and youth, which we are still expanding for you.
The old man loses one of the greatest human rights: he is no longer judged by his own, by his generation.
Author: Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
Author: Goethe Johann Wolfgang von
The most beautiful youth is the youth of spirit when we are no longer young.
Author: Tolstoj Lev Nikolajevič
Author: Tolstoj Lev Nikolajevič
Today's youth is terrible, but what's worse is that we are no longer part of it.
Author: Picasso Pablo
Author: Picasso Pablo
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