A sick body needs a doctor, a sick soul needs a friend.
Author: Menandros
Quotes about health and illness
You are now in the Quotes about health and illness category. Currently here you will find 12 citations on the topic Quotes about health and illness, which we are still expanding for you.
Illness is bad, but worse is the horror caused by the sight of others' illness.
Author: Maurois André
Author: Maurois André
If someone is healthy and wants to work, they have nothing to fear in the world.
Author: Lessing Gotthold
Author: Lessing Gotthold
It seems as if nature is unable to send a proper witchcraft on man, except for short illnesses. But contemporary medicine can already prolong them.
Author: Proust Marcel
Author: Proust Marcel
Apparently the only way to stay healthy is to eat what you don't like, drink what you don't like, and do what you don't want to do.
Author: Twain Mark
Author: Twain Mark
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