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Quotes about sex and lovemaking

You are now in the Quotes about sex and lovemaking category. Currently here you will find 10 citations on the topic Quotes about sex and lovemaking, which we are still expanding for you.

Love between two people without eroticism is just a disgusting game of words and falsehood.

Author: Carlyle Thomas
I'm not gay, though I wish I was. And that's just to piss off the homophobes.

Author: Cobain Kurt
When it's raining outside, there are only two things to do and I don't play cards.

Author: Sandová George
He who loves always has his hands full.

Author: Aischylos
Civilization has driven bigamy out the door, which has returned as prostitution through the window.

Author: Aragon Louis
Amorous intercourse is much more pleasurable when it is coupled with devoted love. Not in the pleasures that are always at hand, but in the pleasures that are yet to be hoped for, lies the main charm of amorous desire.

Author: Xenofón
Intercourse should not be the work of the moment, a spontaneous discharge, providing a flash of pleasure. It should instead be a thoughtful act, providing employment for the evening.

Author: Heine Heinrich
The woman we love rarely satisfies our needs, so we cheat on her with a woman we don't love.

Author: Proust Marcel
No one dies a virgin... Life fucks us all.

Author: Cobain Kurt
Rape is one of the most heinous crimes on earth. And it happens every few minutes.

Author: Cobain Kurt