Saturday 27.07.2024.
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Jokes are short anecdotes, stories, or speaking shortcuts that are designed to make people laugh or humor. They usually contain an unexpected twist, irony, absurdity or play on language. Jokes are often used as a way to entertain and relieve tension, and are a common form of comic expression in human culture.

What’s the best thing to put into pumpkin pie?

Your teeth.
What is Moby Dick's favorite way to celebrate his birthday?

By having a whale of a party.
Yo momma's so fat, she played the role of the boulder in the first Indiana Jones movie.
Being in love with you is a lot like central heating in your home. You turn it on just before your guests come over and pretend that your house is always this hot.
Yo mama so fat that her yearbook picture was on page 20, 21, 22, and 23.
"When you’re a mom of teenagers, it’s important to have a dog so that someone in the house is happy to see you.” —Nora Ephron
Want to know if your wife or your dog loves you more?

Just lock them both in a crate for a few hours and see which one is happy to see you once you open it.
Yo momma's so hairy when she went too the zoo everybody screamed, "The gorilla's loose!"
Mummy, mummy, why is daddy swaying in the backyard?
Shut up, and give me more bullets.
Why did the teenage cat call her parents when she found an apartment she liked?

She needed them to (cali)co-sign her lease.
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