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Science jokes

You are now in the Science jokes category. Currently, you will find 80 jokes on the subject of Science jokes, which we are constantly expanding for you.

What is a tornado’s favorite classic game to play?

How do geologists ask each other out?

They say, "Are you a carbon sample? Because I’d love to date you.”
What did the stamen say to the pistil?

I like your style!
What is the quickest way to determine the sex of a chromosome?

Pull down its genes.
I was reading a book on helium.

I couldn’t put it down!
How do you throw a party in space?

You planet.
Why are chemists great for solving problems?

They have all the solutions.
What kind of tree can fit into your hand?

A palm tree.
Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?

Because he had no BODY to go with.
Since light travels faster than sound …

People may appear bright until you hear them speak.
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