Saturday 27.07.2024.
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Bible jokes

You are now in the Bible jokes category. Currently, you will find 113 jokes on the subject of Bible jokes, which we are constantly expanding for you.

What do you call the parts of the Bible without Moses?

Who is the biggest sinner in the bible?

Moses, he broke all the commandments at once.
I’m reading a book that compares the different versions of the Bible.

Turns out, there is a lot of cross referencing.
Why did the hawk sit on the church steeple?

Because it was a bird of pray.
What types of boats do believers want to go on?

Discipleship and worship.
Who was the first drug addict in the Bible?

Nebuchadnezzar — he was on grass for seven years.
The bible is one of the best-selling books in the world.

It's very prophetable.
I went running with my Bible...

Now my Psalms are sweaty.
In the Bible, Jesus turned water into wine.

But then Chuck Norris turned that wine into beer.
Who was the greatest financier in the Bible?

Noah; he was floating his stock while everyone was in liquidation.
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