Saturday 11.05.2024.
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Bible jokes

You are now in the Bible jokes category. Currently, you will find 113 jokes on the subject of Bible jokes, which we are constantly expanding for you.

Which area of Palestine was especially wealthy?

The area around the River Jordan. The banks were always overflowing.
What excuse did Adam give to his children as to why he no longer lived in Eden?

Your mother ate us out of house and home.
Why did the unemployed man get excited while looking through his Bible?

He thought he saw a job.
Why couldn’t the Israelites initially enter the Promised Land?

It wasn’t the Pinky Promised Land.
What is the best way to study the Bible?

You Luke into it.
How do pastors like their orange juice?

With pulpit.
What does God call his nose?

God knows.
The Bible, 5/10.

Too much Worldbuilding.
The Holy Bible is proven to be 100% accurate.

When thrown at a close-range, especially.
Why did Samson try to avoid arguing with Delilah?

He didn’t want to split hairs.
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