Saturday 27.07.2024.
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Yo mama jokes

Yo mama is a slang term that is usually used in casual conversation and can have several meanings. Most often, this is a form of verbal banter or a joke aimed at someone else's mother. This form of humor can be funny or considered offensive, depending on the context and the perception of the people involved. Sometimes yo mama is used as part of a freestyle rap, where the artist creates rhymes and uses the phrase to make jokes or provocative statements about their opponent's mother.

Yo mamma is so stupid, she stopped her car at a stop sign and she's still waiting for it to turn green.
Yo momma's so fat, she played the role of the boulder in the first Indiana Jones movie.
Yo mama so fat that her yearbook picture was on page 20, 21, 22, and 23.
Yo momma's so hairy when she went too the zoo everybody screamed, "The gorilla's loose!"
Your momma is so stupid she put airbags on her computer in case it crashed.
Yo momma is so stupid, she put a quarter in a parking meter and said, "Where's my gumball?"
Yo mamma so stupid she put two M&M's in her ear and said she was listening to Eminem.
Yo mamma's so stupid, she thought Free Willy was a porno film.
Yo mamma so poor, when I saw her walking down the street with one shoe on, I stopped and said, "You lost a shoe!" and she said, "No, I found a shoe!"
Yo momma's so fat, her baby pictures were taken by satellite.
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