Thursday 09.05.2024.
Fun Encyclopedia Games

Jokes, quotes, games - Page 2

Peter called his doctor’s office for an appointment.
"I’m sorry," said the receptionist, "we can’t fit you in for at least two weeks."
"But I could be dead by then!"
"No problem. If your wife lets us know, we’ll cancel the appointment."
I was going to make a joke about homosexuality, butt fuck it.
Knock, knock!

Who’s there? Water Water who? Water you doing tonight?
What do you get when you mix alcohol and literature?

Tequila mockingbird.
Woman patient: "Doctor I was suffering so much that I wanted to die."
Doctor: "You did the right thing to call me."
Where do kids get ice cream cakes on their birthday?

At sundae school.
Strong people don't put other people down.
They lift them up and slam them to the ground for maximum impact.
Yo momma is so black, she got marked absent at night school.
Why was the apple pie so happy?

It won first pies in the contest.
Knock, knock.
Who’s there?
Icy who?
Icy you looking at me!