Monday 20.05.2024.
Fun Encyclopedia Games

Jokes, quotes, games - Page 79

My Chinese friend got really sick one day and had to go to a hospital.
I went to see him the next day, but he just kept whispering "Chun Yu Yan" over and over – and then died.
I was very sad and googled his last message after the burial.
Apparently, it means "You're standing on my oxygen tube."
What did one Christmas tree say to another? Lighten up!
I was lonely because I had no women... until I met a man who had no hands.
Where do yellow jackets go to watch the big game?

Have you ever seen a catfish?

No. How do they hold the rod and reel?
Q: What do you do when you see a black man with half a face?
A: Stop laughing and reload.
Your mama is so ugly even the tide won't take her out.
A man cheats on his girlfriend named Lorraine with a girl named Clearly.
Suddenly, Lorraine died.
At the funeral, the man stands up and sings, "I can see Clearly now, Lorraine is gone."
Yo mama so black, I shot at her and the bullet came back and asked for a flashlight
Why did the Dachshund want to sit in the shade?

Because it was a hot dog.