Sunday 16.06.2024.
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Cat jokes - Page 6

A cat walks into a bar. The bartender says, "What’ll you have?” The cat says, "A shot of whiskey.” The bartender pours the cat his drink. Slowly, the cat pushes the shot off the bar…immediately demanding, "ANOTHER!!”
Two cats are trying to cross a river. One’s name is Onetwothree and the others’ name is Undeuxtrois. Why was Onetwothree the only one to make it across?

Because Undeuxtrois got carried away.
If lights run on electricity and cars run on gas, what do cats run on?

Their paws.
What did the cat say when it got scratched?

Someone made a joke about my three-legged cat.

Major faux paw.
What do you call a fluffy male cat asleep on a bed?

A Himalayan.
I have a pencil once owned by Shakespeare…

Thanks to the cat it’s so chewed up I can’t tell if it’s 2B or not 2B.
Why did the cats ask for a drum set?

They wanted to make some mewsic!
What's a cat's favorite TV show?

Claw and Order.
How did the mom cat know she was pregnant?

Her test was pawsitive.