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Galilei Galileo - Quotes

Quotes from the author Galilei Galileo

I don't feel bound to believe that the same God who endowed us with senses, reason, and intelligence would want us not to use them.

Author: Galilei Galileo
Two truths can never contradict each other.

Author: Galilei Galileo
All truths are easy to understand once they are discovered. The difficulty is to discover them.

Author: Galilei Galileo
In scientific questions the authority of a thousand is not of the same value as the humble research of an individual.

Author: Galilei Galileo
I've never met anyone so stupid that I didn't learn something from them.

Author: Galilei Galileo
Only with the death of dogma is science born.

Author: Galilei Galileo
Philosophy is written in this great book, i.e., the universe, which is constantly exposed to our gaze, but cannot be understood unless we first learn the language in which it is written. Its language is the language of mathematics, and its signs are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without which not a single word could be constructed. Without these signs and words, man wanders through the universe like a dark labyrinth.

Author: Galilei Galileo
Nature is relentless and incorruptible. It does not care whether the meaning of its actions is comprehensible or incomprehensible to humans.

Author: Galilei Galileo
And yet it's spinning.

Author: Galilei Galileo
The Big Book of Nature is written in mathematical language.

Author: Galilei Galileo